It all feels like a dream, and a good one at that. Something that God put in my heart back in January of this year, is now becoming a reality.
Liberty Sisterhood just wrapped up and I am officially still spinning (and awake). Sarah Dubbeldam blew us away and inspired us, and the women of Liberty Church arose in strength to deliver an invitation for freedom. She is Free has now been launched…
Nine months ago, my husband shook me out of my slumber by calling me to rise up. I had just finished preaching with one of my greatest friends on the planet, Lisa Kai at her Arise Conference on the island of Oahu. Paul and I had gone back to our room after a powerful evening with the women of Hawaii. He looked at me and said… “Your withholding something aren’t you? Something for the women of New York City?” I sheepishly looked at him as one word slowly crept out of my mouth… “Yeeeeessss.” That one word opened the floodgates to a purpose that God had put deep within me since I was a little girl. Freedom.
Freedom, spirit, soul and body.
I have watched so many women struggle to step into true God ordained freedom. Women haunted by their past, struggling with their demons, and afraid of what their future holds, whilst putting themselves together each day on the outside, not sure what to do with whats going on deep within them. I’ve watched as their brittle outer shells threaten to come crumbling down around them revealing their true broken selves to the world they fear will reject them.
I have been that woman… And I have been set free.
I have seen women unable to conceive children, hold babies in their arms despite a negative doctors report! I have seen sickness and disease vanish with the healing power of Jesus. I have seen cancer die and good reports be lifted up! I along with my sisters have seen the goodness of God in the land of the living… and there is so much more to come.
And what about the countless lives of men and women enslaved and ensnared across the planet? Entangled and imprisoned in seemingly hopeless atrocities and situations that I can’t even begin to imagine. We have a responsibility with the knowledge that we have access to in this day and age. We are called to pray, AND we are also a people called to action. Freedom beckons, and we can do something.
She is Free is dedicated to freedom facilitation – spirit, soul and body. Whether that’s in our own personal lives, the lives of those we come into contact with, the poor and disadvantaged, or those we’ve never met that cry out for freedom.
I see women walking into the She is Free Gatheringthis spring, and instantly the chains of oppression, shame, and lack of self worth falling off.
I see women stepping fully into their purpose.
I see women in their 50’s, 60’s and 70’s taking themselves off the shelf, and stepping into their God ordained leadership roles.
I see women of every age, demographic and background coming together in their beautiful diversity to sing a song of freedom that shakes the foundations of New York City and ripples out across the earth.
I have a dream…
A dream that every woman would know her worth and see herself as she truly is.
A dream that we wouldn’t just cry out endlessly for freedom, but hold it in our hands, get dressed in it, and walk uncompromisingly in it.
A dream that every woman would embrace her unique place.
A dream that we would stand side by side with men, taking our rightful place, building the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth together.
A dream that every woman would be released into her full creative, God-given anointing, mantle, gifting, and redemptive potential to serve the people of this earth that need what she has to give.
Women… It is time we gather to influence a city that influences the world.
I truly believe that the world will take notice of a group of selfless, free women, engaged fully in their life, wide awake, willing to do what it takes to pass on the gift of freedom to all who need it. It is our inheritance, and it is our responsibility.
This April, we as the women of Liberty Church, and every woman who hears the call to freedom, will come together in strength and unity in New York City. I personally want to invite you to gather with us, as we see freedom reverberate in our own hearts and lives, and then give it away with boldness and courage to all that we meet.
I’d love to see you there…