I am finding it really hard to put to words what happened last week as we launched She is Free… Really hard.
Every moment felt like a dream. The presence of God was palpable and constant. The hunger from each woman beckoned a response from our Father who tangibly poured out as His relentless love that was tasted, felt and seen.
Territory was taken as hearts were healed, lives were restored, souls were saved and bodies were healed from sickness, disease and pain. Each speaker nailed us to the wall as every word dripped with revelation from Heaven. The worship was ground breaking, the dances drew us closer to the heart of the father, the videos rallied the troops and cracked us up, the team served with love and pure joy…

And it didn’t stop there… At She is Free – we have an understanding that “we are free to set others free”. Our freedom is never meant to become a stagnant cesspool within us – It’s to give away.
“It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you don’t use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; that’s how freedom grows. For everything we know about God’s Word is summed up in a single sentence: Love others as you love yourself. That’s an act of true freedom.” Galatians 5:13-14 Message
My friend Kristin Lipscomb from Liberty Church in Pensacola Florida, spoke to our women about human trafficking through her organization Every Face Matters and then went on a prayer walk around the streets of NYC to reclaim that which has been stolen by the enemy for too long. She showed us how to open our eyes, and gave practical tips on what each of us can do to help put an end to this inhumane act – because every face does matter.

Jessi Green talked about practical evangelism – which in it’s purest form, is truly seeing people and loving them. She gave simple tools on how to approach a stranger, pray for the sick, and how to hear from God and respond. Then everyone hit the streets with encouraging, prophetic handwritten cards and gave them away as they were led. The night was filled with stories of breakthrough and people experiencing the love of God.
I don’t know what else to tell you, except it was a “you had to be there” sort of gathering. It was encounter with God, it wasn’t a conference (although that’s the technical title of it). And when you encounter the living God, you are never the same. I really hope you’ll join us for She is Free 2016 because it’s filling up fast and still 18 months away!
No matter what, my prayer is that you will choose freedom as an act of your free will. That you will choose to walk in the fullness of the life that God has planned and created for you. May the hungry come and be filled, and then give that food away to all that they encounter because they have tasted and seen for themselves that God is good.
Here are a few more pics to enjoy!