I’ll never forget the moment years ago when someone prophesied these exact words over my life, “Your pain is your platform.” Cue heavy, snotty, over the top sobs. In a split second, the lid had been taken off and the idea that my pain could actually benefit others, was overwhelming in the most redemptive way. Those words alone brought about inexplicable healing. They were words from a loving heavenly Fathers, binding up my broken heart. The truth is, our pain can be our platform if we are committed to overcoming. Sometimes our pain is our platform while we’re overcoming as others watch on while we praise through, or even in the pain. As you read this article, please understand I am primarily focusing on emotional pain that stems from a broken heart and can effect our whole lives, body, soul and spirit. Yet overcoming any sort of pain certainly can give you a platform to change others lives.
Overcome: To succeed in dealing with a problem or difficulty.
A platform suggests that we have a place to give something helpful away through knowledge or experience on any given topic or personal life experience. I am not necessarily even suggesting a platform from which you speak with a microphone either, more a place from which you can lead others into a place of freedom and overcoming.
Your pain can have purpose. Here are some things I’ve learned from my own experience:
1.) Pain tells you something is wrong
Pain is not your enemy. Pain has a purpose. Let the pain you are feeling tell you something. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the source of the pain, and then ask for the pathway out. Ask God to show you a lie or lies you have been believing and then ask Him to give you the truth in place of the lie. Write it down, put it on your mirror, speak that truth over yourself and don’t let it go until you believe it.
2.) Don’t “medicate”, face it head on
Medicating pain is a natural thing that a lot of us do, or even need to do. In general, we don’t like to feel pain, so we do whatever it takes to get rid of it. I want to be sure to say that if you have any form of mental illness and are on medication, or have had surgery or suffer from chronic pain and need pain killers etc. I am not slagging you in any way or saying you should get off of your medication. That’s between you, God, your doctor or phycologist and is very personal to each individual journey. This is more of an general observation when it comes to feeling pain and more specifically emotional pain.
When it comes to emotional pain specifically, medicating it can be detrimental because it can be through a variety of things like porn, sexual addiction, food, drug and alcohol addiction, binging on television, or simply fill in the blank with your poison of choice. If we don’t face our pain and spend time in the presence of The One who can heal it, we will keep settling for counterfeits, delaying our impending victory.
3.) Your pain can have significant purpose
In childbirth (don’t worry guys, it won’t get graphic) pain has great purpose. It tells you that a baby is on it’s way and you’re about to hold something you’ve been dreaming of and praying for in your arms. Sometimes it’s many hours of pain, other times it’s shorter, but either way, the pain has significant purpose.
2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. – James 1:2-4 NIV
Choose to let your pain catapult you into your purposes with perseverance, causing you to walk in maturity not lacking anything. I know, it’s easier said than done but it’s a promise. Don’t wallow in your pain, don’t “medicate” it, don’t shrink back from it. God want’s to use your life journey, the good, bad, and ugly. He want’s to use all of the pain you have overcome so that others can benefit and be transformed. He is here right now, with you in the midst of your pain, ready to show you the way out.
4.) Surround yourself with the right people
Whatever you do, in a season of great healing, don’t surround yourself with people who come into agreement with your pain. If you are to overcome, you need the right people around you who believe in you, cheer you on and at the same time refuse to let you stay where you are. You may get mad at them, you may want to cut them off, but don’t do it – your season requires truth and love walking hand in hand. You need some faithful warriors around you that will come into agreement with the truth and help catapult you into your destiny.
5.) Do whatever it takes to step into healing
First up, talk to someone. Don’t isolate yourself. The bible says when we do so, we rage against all wise judgement. It may seem like it’s easier to act like everything is okay, but someday, somehow it will all catch up with you. Get healing before you absolutely have to.
A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire;He rages against all wise judgment. – Proverbs 18:1 NKJV
My friend Christa Black-Gifford is probably one of the most gifted teachers I know on showing people how to step into healing and freedom. Check out her blog, buy her books, or even look into visiting Gold Monarch Healing Center for an intensive that will literally bring you healing beyond explanation.
If your comfortable to, get some prayer ministry if it’s available to you in your area or at the church you’re planted in. Healing from the inside out is essential to live free.
Google Counselors, Christian counselors or physiologists in your area. Ask what your local church provides. Pastors! If you need a great counseling center you can fly to because your leading people on empty or through a lot of pain, email me and I will recommend a couple great places to you.
And don’t stop worshiping. Praise in and through the pain. It’s the one thing that lifts my head, and focuses me on the God who redeems and heals. Praise has restored my soul in some of the darkest seasons.
I have literally done anything and everything it takes, and will continue to do so when needed. It’s worth it to live free so I can give what I have been given away.