From a Prison to a Palace… A Journey to Freedom
by Andi Andrew | Mar 11, 2015 | Home, Life, Pastoral, Revelations
andiandrew.com The tightening of anxiety in my stomach was palpable as I packed my bags. I was slightly nervous to leave my kids for ten days straight as my husband and I flew off to Italy for the trip of a lifetime. At the exact same time, I couldn’t wait to...
Freedom from Shame
by Andi Andrew | Jan 22, 2015 | Life, Mother, Pastoral, Revelations, Wife
Have you ever felt, heard, or believed the lie: “I will live with this shame for the rest of my life. Keeping the ugly things hidden protects me and keeps me safe from public opinion and rejection.”The truth is, it destroys your relationships before they...
Fear is a jerk – Part 2
by Andi Andrew | Nov 13, 2014 | Life, Pastoral, Revelations
Fear lies. Fear puts you in a cage that you think you’re supposed to live in. Fear treats you like you deserve it’s wrath, and all to often we believe it to be true and submit to it’s menacing dominion. But here is the truth; FEAR only has the amount...
Fear is a jerk – Part 1
by Andi Andrew | Oct 15, 2014 | Life, Pastoral, Revelations
What are you most afraid of? What people will think of you? Being misunderstood and desperately wanting to tell the whole story so people know the truth? Are you afraid of failing? Afraid of disappointing your parents? Are you afraid of your leaders or your boss? Are...