I kept thinking to myself, “She must be faking it? I mean come on, you can’t have an inoperable brain tumor and be so full of life and joy!”
My mother-in-law has stopped me in my tracks on several occasions and in this season, it’s her contagious joy and peace that she lives enveloped in that often has me scratching my head in wonder. At first I thought it was avoidance, but now I see that it’s a life connected to LOVE. I’ve asked her to write about it as a guest here on my blog. I hope it encourages you in this holiday season as we all look to 2017 and the year is to come.
“When Joy Gets In The Way” By Jenny Andrew
The word joy is mentioned 815 times in the NIV version of the Bible. Just this fact alone makes the word significant
I was born Jennifer Joy. “Joy” was my last name or “surname” as we say in Australia where I grew up. It WAS my name, and although I was often teased as a little girl for the full label of “Jennifer Joy” or “Jenny Joy” as I was most often known, I wasn’t aware of the potential significance of my name until recently. I began to see that my name was no accidental choice, that it was given to me for a purpose. Of course, when God is part of a decision, the potential of that decision is loaded with purpose.
You see, I have recently been diagnosed with a brain tumor.

It has been described as being “like an octopus wrapped around the left side of my brain”. This should, in most circumstances, instill fear and sadness in me. However my overwhelming emotions, and those of my husband, have been peace and joy. Occasional the blanket of peace is ruffled, but most of the time I feel covered and enveloped by peace. As well as the peace we are covered in, my “platform” for all I do now, especially in my fight for complete healing, is to choose “joy” as my weapon of choice before I chose to do anything or react in any way. It has become, not merely my name, but the banner over my life.
Joy may seem like an unlikely weapon. When we think of weapons, we generally think of aggression, fighting or inflicting injury. But as a Christian, I can assure you that JOY is all of these and more. Firstly, Satan hates joy. When he sees we are living in joy, he flees as he knows where joy comes from – God. When he sees me living in peace it reminds him that he has already lost the battle and we belong to Jesus! Secondly dealing with a challenge is so much simpler when my heart is in a good place and I’m looking at the best rather than the worst. Although this season has brought its challenges, and will undoubtedly bring more, the joy and the peace continue. Recently I was speaking about my journey through this illness to a group at our Church and what I was learning along the way. I had my “notes” and my “plan” but it became increasingly clear as I continued, that I was to talk about living in JOY and using it as a weapon. This was not something I had planned to talk about at length – but JOY got in the way!
We are surrounded every day by what the world sees- wherever we live, with worst case scenarios, doom and gloom, and negativity. There’s a lot to be said for living in reality and it’s important that we do so and don’t bury our heads in the sand, but let’s bring some light to the darkness by using joy, hope and peace to every situation.
So there you have it. She LIVES this stuff. I heard someone say last week, “If the joy of the Lord is your strength, don’t let Satan steal your strength.” Well, Jenny is walking in that strength in spite of her circumstance and diagnosis and I’m still over here scratching my head at times while learning so much along the way.
When something get’s in our way, usually it has a negative connotation, especially when it’s associated with fear, doubt or obstacles. When joy keeps inturpting you, invite the inturrption rather than pushing it away. Let joy get in the way.
My prayer for you in this season of your life, no matter the reality, darkness, pain or loss that you face is that JOY will keep getting in the way.
P.S. On top of her contagious JOY, my mother-in-law has been writing beautiful music in this season. It’s perfect for your meditations or quiet times and is straight from heaven. Download it here!
http://www.jennyandrewmusic.com/ or look up Jenny Andrew Tranquil Worship and Tranquil Worship Two on iTunes!