Stupid things I do, and why this Friday is SO good.
by Andi Andrew | Apr 15, 2014 | Mother, Pastoral, Revelations
andiandrew.com I woke up this morning so aware of my humanity… Just last night, I exploded with anger at my two eldest sons which ended in a pow wow of forgiveness and repentance from my end. I mean, they were only acting as 8 and 6 year old boys do… All...
Your Worth
by Andi Andrew | Feb 26, 2014 | Life, Mother, Pastoral, Revelations
How many of us have struggled with our self worth? Since I can’t get a show of hands, I’ll answer for you; all of us. Last night our family had a movie night. We watched Frozen (I mean, how could you not? It was released on DVD yesterday!), sang our hearts...
It’s time to WAKE UP!
by Andi Andrew | Feb 11, 2014 | Life, Mother, Pastoral
andiandrew.com I’ve come to the conclusion that we don’t have time to waste. God needs us to wake up, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. We’ve only got one shot at this life (go ahead, sing Eminem), we’re not buddhists, we don’t...
Sing oh Barren Woman…
by Andi Andrew | Feb 7, 2014 | Life, Mother, Pastoral, Revelations
When I was in Hawaii a couple of weeks ago I met some women who I had prayed for the year before to conceive children. I was brought to tears with every conversation because these women were now pregnant. Some were still holding onto the promise with joy believing for...
Series: Control Freak – Article Six
by Andi Andrew | Jan 16, 2014 | Life, Mother, Pastoral, Revelations, Wife
SERIES TITLE: CONTROL FREAKARTICLE SIX: WALKING IN YOUR NEWFOUND FREEDOM I feel like as I write these “Control Freak” articles, that I am talking about someone else because of the deep changes the continue to take place in my life. ...