
Ladies and gentlemen – this week I have a conversation with my Mama about alllll of our issues – well, some of them. We’d need a lot more time to unravel all of our issues 🤣. Look, our relationship is full of nuance – deep love, pain, forgiveness, reconciliation, dysfunction and healing. So we go there and talk about as much as we can in this conversation on #CoffeeWithAndi I pray our journey fuels you with encouragement and hope to see healing and reconciliation in your close relationships. 


“We don’t want to call it manipulation. We want to say, ‘parents should be close to their children’ or ‘you should treat me with respect as your mother.’ We’ve got a whole list of what you could do better or what I could do better, and it’s like the only person I can really work on is me.” – Mavis Green


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