I am often slow to post anything on social media in politically and emotionally heightened times – not because I don’t care, but because I am accountable to God for every word that flows out of my mouth. With every finger I point in assumption or judgment of others motives and actions, I personally feel the weight. Whatever scripture I post, call to action or quotable quote I grab from someone else, I live in such a way knowing that I am personally responsible to go and do something with what I have said or written. I am also keenly aware that I answer to God at the end of my life here on earth for every heart motive, idle or active word (Matt 12:35-37 NKJV) and deed I do or don’t do. Heavy, but true nonetheless.
A few months ago, my husband was speaking to our church and read out James 1:22, followed by a throw away comment that has stuck with me:
James 1:22 NKJ
“22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”
“Hearing but not doing is a form of deception” – Paul Andrew
These last few weeks I have “heard” a lot of opinions. Heck, I’ve even had a few of my own but have chosen to keep them to myself. It can be crippling to take in so much information, yet feel like there isn’t a clear path to help those in need, or so it seems – because let’s be honest, we only need lift up our eyes from our phones to meet a need. I want to step away from the anonymity of my computer or iPhone screen and get my hands dirty. I want to look people in the eyes and place value on them.
I want to be educated, equipped and then activated to go and do something.
While we don’t yet see certain injustices reconciled here on earth or perhaps we do see first hand how an executive order affects our loved ones and it feels like confusion and pain seem to reign, I’d like to put out there that we as followers of Jesus can all SIMPLY be about the Father’s business in our day to day lives (Luke 2:49, Matt 12:46-50, John 4:34-38). I’m sure we could all use some “simple” in our live right now. We will always live in the tension of the “NOW but NOT YET” where life is unfolding before our eyes as we simultaneously hope and work towards a better future. The times we live in are a wake up call to the global Church to lift up our eyes and really see people and then do something about the pain unfolding before us. Let us all be deeply loved by God and in turn give Him all of our love and adoration. Let us then love our neighbor as we love ourselves (Matt 22:34-40), reconcile hearts to the Father (2 Cor 5:16-21) and actively make disciples (Matt 28:16-20).
Opportunities to be about our Fathers business are unfolding right in front of our eyes every single day. It’s in the breakthrough conversation with that cafe owner after years of patronage where they begin to seek the heart of the Father and ask us to lead them there. Or the moments where our kids ask the big questions about eternity where we get the honor of discipling them and telling them about the goodness of the Gospel. It’s in the moments where we take someone out to coffee whose world we don’t understand and never could unless we walk a mile in their shoes. It’s the moments where we step out (even if we’re scared) and pray for someones healing. It’s in showing up at your local community center and sitting with that young, marginalized, world changer while believing in them and showing them that there is a way to step into their dreams. It’s choosing to be generous with encouragement and compliments instead of keeping them to ourselves because kindness is good for the soul. It’s leading that neighbor of yours on their deathbed to Jesus because hell was never created for God’s children to spend eternity. It’s finding out how you can see systemic injustices reconciled and bridges built by serving in or volunteering in programs that your local church or community centers have to offer. It’s in putting your hand up to tutor that underprivileged genius that may never get the opportunities that others will because of their upbringing or the color of their skin – but your simple act of kindness could break through a barrier. It’s giving your finance to causes in places where your feet may never be able to tread. It’s in each of us us putting our money, hands and feet where our mouth is.
What will cost us? Is it just our words or will we let it cost us our time too? We are all accountable.
Ben Smithee, one of our Liberty Church Union Square Team members posted the below picture and quote this week:

“Regardless of political beliefs, religious belief, or roast beef, let’s just freaking love each other and the world would immediately be a much better environment. We expend so much energy in fighting, hating, and spewing vitriol that we forget the Great Commandment. @andiandrew ‘s message this past week really drove it home. I mean, what if we all just did one loving act for another person this week. One simple act of love, rather than take the ease of contention. Call it a dream, but I believe we were meant for more and that God’s words were not just a set of optional guidelines for life. Live like you mean it, love each other, help those less fortunate, and for gosh sakes – wash your freaking hands!” – Ben Smithee (@smitheeeeee on Instagram)
What I love about Ben, (and he doesn’t know I’m saying this until he reads it) is that he is a part of the Big Brothers and Sisters program and has been for years, he serves at Church every week, runs his own business and does amazing charity work without any fanfare. He lives this stuff week in, week out and every single one of us can make a difference with the “neighbors” that are in our world.
I feel the weight of these times as a leader in the Church and it’s enough to take me out some days… My hope is that we’d be equipped, educated AND activated in our faith. May we keep it simple with our eyes fixed on the ONE. May we be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry (James 1:19). May we choose to take a breath, seek wisdom and respond instead of react.

Rise up oh Bride! Humble yourselves and unite under the name of Jesus Christ! Wake up you sleeper and put your hand to the plow! Step away from your computers, phones and all forms of distraction and GO! Be about Your Fathers business…