Behind The Curated Instagram Feed – Real Life
by Andi Andrew | Sep 16, 2015 | Life, Mother, New York, Wife
So it’s a big life, and sometimes the highlight reel on my Instagram feed can make it all look glamorous or just plain easy. It’s not. It’s big, it’s messy, it’s an adventure, and it’s beautiful. Our family lives a calculated and...
Uncomfortable Community
by Andi Andrew | Aug 24, 2015 | Devotionals, New York, Pastoral
Who likes discomfort? What about pain? Who enjoys the opportunity to get offended? Anyone? Well, I’m sure not many of your raised your hand or shouted a resounding “YES!” to any of those questions, but the truth is all of the above produce good fruit...
Forgiving my mom – My practical process to forgive
by Andi Andrew | Aug 11, 2015 | Life, Pastoral, Revelations
andiandrew.com I’ve heard it said, that unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping the other person will die. It’s true. I know when I’ve held onto unforgiveness, not only with my mom, but many others, I only become bitter, deeply offended, and a...
I used to hate my mom
by Andi Andrew | Aug 10, 2015 | Life, Pastoral, Revelations
I used to hate my mom. It’s true. If you saw us today you would think that I was lying and being all sensational to get your attention so you would read this article. But in all honesty, my mom and I have allowed God to restore our broken relationship and I can...