Seen or Significant?

Seen or Significant?

Do we want to be SEEN and validated publicly or SIGNIFICANT, even if only anonymously?Both, probably. I mean, who doesn’t want to make a difference in this life while having people tell them along the way that they’re doing an awesome job? Oh, and whoever...
Stepping Out Of Shame

Stepping Out Of Shame

Shame destroys intimacy. It could be shame that lingers from your past like decaying remnants of death reminding you of who you used to be. There seems to come a stench of fear with shame, rotting away the hopes that you’ll never get to live fully in your...
Hearing God

Hearing God

“Mom, how do you know if you’re hearing God or not?”There I sat, in one of the greatest discipleship moments of my life. This beautiful son of mine is a thinker, a creative and has an amazing analytical mind that causes me to sit back in awe and...
Famous or a Follower?

Famous or a Follower?

1 in 4 millennials believe that they will be famous by the time they’re 25. This is a sobering statistic that I read in Rebekah Lyons’ Instagram feed a few weeks ago as she quoted a data point from a panel at Q Commons. The thing that is most alarming...