by Andi Andrew | Jan 14, 2016 | Devotionals, Home, Mother, Pastoral, Revelations
andiandrew.com <<< THIS. It’s my favorite part of the day.There’s this moment each morning when our children emerge from their bedroom (yes, all four of them share one room) and slide into bed with their daddy and I. Whether it’s one minute...
LOVED People LOVE People
by Andi Andrew | Dec 28, 2015 | Devotionals, Featured, Pastoral, Revelations
When Paul and I were first married, I remember a particular time where I was SO mad at him. We lived in Maroubra, a beach in Sydney, Australia at the time. That particular morning I was taking a walk during the sunrise and praying which was my ritual at the time. I...
Your Heart = Your Responsibility
by Andi Andrew | Dec 3, 2015 | Devotionals, Featured, Pastoral, Revelations
I remember being so bitter and angry in a particular season of my life, that it seemed God needed to give me an eye opening vision to wake me up from my pity party. In this particular vision, I was wearing a blindfold and as someone took it off of me, I was standing...
Responsibility = Your Ability To Respond
by Andi Andrew | Nov 25, 2015 | Devotionals, Pastoral, Revelations
A week and a half ago I was in South Africa and couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t the jet lag, it was this particular line that kept repeating itself in my mind and heart,”Responsibility is your ability to respond. Responsibility is your ability to respond....
Uncomfortable Community
by Andi Andrew | Aug 24, 2015 | Devotionals, New York, Pastoral
Who likes discomfort? What about pain? Who enjoys the opportunity to get offended? Anyone? Well, I’m sure not many of your raised your hand or shouted a resounding “YES!” to any of those questions, but the truth is all of the above produce good fruit...