Famous or a Follower?
by Andi Andrew | Mar 31, 2016 | Devotionals, Featured, Inspire, Revelations
1 in 4 millennials believe that they will be famous by the time they’re 25. This is a sobering statistic that I read in Rebekah Lyons’ Instagram feed a few weeks ago as she quoted a data point from a panel at Q Commons. The thing that is most alarming...
Moving WITH Compassion
by Andi Andrew | Mar 10, 2016 | Inspire, Pastoral, Revelations
It’s one thing to have compassion. It’s another thing to MOVE with it. When compassion is awakened in us, do we just allow it to produce feelings within us, or do we allow it the power to move our hands and feet towards it’s intended...
Are You a Priority To You?
by Andi Andrew | Feb 23, 2016 | Featured, Inspire, Life, Mother, Wife
What feeds your soul? Do you make time for it? Do you make time for you? What are your priorities and are you one of them? It’s easy to take care of everyone around us before we take care of, or invest in ourselves. The truth is, I’m not good to anyone...
What Are You Waiting For?
by Andi Andrew | Jan 4, 2016 | Featured, Inspire, Life, Revelations
A lot of times we are waiting for “someday when…” But our someday is NOW.I remember sitting and having a meal with Steve and Sharon Kelly, two amazing mentors and friends as well as the pastors of Wave Church in Virginia Beach. Over my grilled salmon, I poured my...