We Are the Common Denominator

We Are the Common Denominator

We cannot change (nor control) one single thing about anyone else’s life and/or life choices, but guess what and 𝘸𝘩𝘰 we can change? I mean, we know the answer, it’s our own lives, but that doesn’t make it any easier does it? Listen, if the same dysfunctional...


People are messy, including you and I. Relationships with one another can cause us to mature in Christ as we choose to make peace, forgive, give grace, intentionally connect, and heal or we can become bitter, judgemental, isolated, and ultimately alone. We get to...


Parenting is 1000+ little conversations, apologies, cuddles, tears, laughter, and every mundane moment in between. Sometimes uncomfortable, sometimes beautiful, sometimes hilarious, sometimes heartbreaking. In just the matter of one week, I was asked by our...
Following Jesus is a Long Game

Following Jesus is a Long Game

In some ways, we’ve relegated the Christian life to a moment of conversion, a lifting of our hand in a service with eyes closed and head bowed, when this moment is only the beginning of a beautiful, deep, and wide adventure full of twists and turns. Instead, after our...
We Need the Real, Not the Fake

We Need the Real, Not the Fake

Faking it is not how we intend to live, and sometimes, when we do find ourselves doing so, even unintentionally, we’re not really sure how we got there. I think we can all agree that the last thing a lost and dying world needs is an army of cute entertainers who are...