I was talking on the phone one evening a couple months ago to a mentor and mother in the faith who said these words to me,

“The accuser is NOT the author of your life story and legacy!”
Boy, did I need to be reminded of this truth.
Once again, those words shook me awake to the reality of just how easy it is to entertain a negative, toxic thought for too long until it grows into a viable life option. It was only when I confessed out loud the sneaky whispers that the enemy had planted in my mind (that I’d willingly entertained and actually considered!) that the turnaround came.
This can happen to any one of us. These thoughts start like a small seed and, if left to germinate, grow into a plausible reality. The moment we bring them into the light, they’re robbed of their power. I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but the accuser does not get to derail you, destroy you or take you out. Allow Jesus to be the author of your legacy as you continue to live a life enfolded in His arms. He will never leave you, forsake you, accuse you or lie to you. Trust Him.
When we don’t deal with the storm inside of us, It’s virtually impossible to confront the storms churning outside of us.

In Mark 4:35-41, after a huge day of teaching, Jesus and His disciples pushed off into the darkness to go to the other side of the lake to an area where pig farmers lived, a place considered unclean according to Jewish custom. On the way there, they were confronted with a demonic storm, but all the while Jesus slept, completely peaceful within, aware of His authority and unafraid of what was churning all around Him. “38 But Jesus was calmly sleeping in the stern, resting on a cushion. 39 So they shook him awake, saying, “Teacher, don’t you even care that we are all about to die!” (4:38-39) The disciples lost their minds, allowing fear to take over. How often are we just like them, running around the boat of our lives, mad at Jesus for sleeping, yelling extreme statements like, “We’re all going to diiiiiieeeee!!!!! Don’t you even care about me, Jesus?” I’ve been there.
I was there 2 months ago.
As my mentor reminded me that the accuser is not the author of my life story and legacy, I woke up to the demonic storm coming at me. The words straight out of Jesus’ mouth to His disciples after he calmed the storm leapt off the page and dove straight into my heart, “Why are you so afraid? Haven’t you learned to trust yet?” (4:40b)
Haven’t you learned to trust yet?
In that moment, Jesus and I went to a scary place together. A place I had been trying to avoid for years. A place where I hadn’t yet learned to trust Him. It was only then that peace and healing could come as I recognized my lack of trust and my deep need to rest in the bow of the boat with Jesus. You see, there was no storm in Him, but there was in me. He knew how to calm the storm within me so that I could then confront the storms that churned outside of me.
Partnership with the Prince of Peace, even in the midst of chaos, confusion, destruction, pain and trial, will cause us to walk in and live from a place of rest, authority and confidence even when it doesn’t make sense. This is the peace that surpasses all understanding that the author of Philippians spoke of, and it is your portion.
So if you’re ready, ask yourself, “Why am I so afraid? Have I learned to trust Jesus in this area of my life yet?”
Take some time to pray, journal, turn on some worship (try “Surrounded” by Michael W. Smith – for real, click the link…) and re-read Mark 4:35-41. Ask Jesus to reveal the truth to you, and why you can always trust Him fully with your life.